
Kurzy angličtiny pro seniory v Teplicích

Aktuálně vypsané kurzy angličtiny pro seniory nabízené jazykovými školami v Teplicích. U kurzů jsou uvedeny recenze od studentů; vždy k danému druhu kurzu angličtiny v příslušné jazykové škole. Kliknutím na mapu zobrazíte seznam jazykových škol vyučujících tyto kurzy.

Online kurzy pro dospělé

dospenb1b2 | Kód kurzu
29.07.2023 | Poslední aktualizace
Zeptat se na kurz

Termín výuky


Proč si vybrat tento kurz angličtiny?

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc
  • Deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where English is spoken. produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest
  • Describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans

Online kurzy pro dospělé (zacatecnik)

dospena1 | Kód kurzu
29.07.2023 | Poslední aktualizace
Zeptat se na kurz

Termín výuky


Proč si vybrat tento kurz angličtiny?

By the end of this course you will be able to:

Grammar – Identify the verb “be” in the Present Simple tense and recognise articles, adjectives and nouns. Identify other verbs, negatives, questions, and short answers in the Present Simple tense as well as some basic imperatives, adverbs and modals at the introductory level

Vocabulary – Match very simple definitions to basic vocabulary words from familiar themes (i.e. family, places, daily activities, colours, food, clothes, body parts)

Listening – Recognise main ideas and details from introductory level listening passages

Speaking/Pronun­ciation – Cite basic vocabulary words and sounds with correct intonation, construct basic yes/no questions, and state appropriate oral responses to simple questions

Reading/Writing – Identify grammar and content from introductory level reading passages and construct simple sentences in writing using introductory level grammar and vocabulary